Wednesday 28 November 2012

1. Cognitive Intelligence IQ or Emotional Intelligence EI

Adam Maria Gadomski suggested that Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new conditions and to successfully cope with life situation. The two intelligences that are important in human life are emotional (EI) and cognitive intelligence (IQ).

"Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions (Gadomski, 2002)". Emotional intelligence is the feeling we have to express ourselves and toward other. Cherry Kendra said that some researcher suggest the emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. As a human-being we have right to express our feeling of emotion such as love, sad, anger, hate, joy, and happy.

Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) is the "ability to learn new things, recall information, think rationally, apply knowledge and solve problem" (Kaplan & Sadock, 1991). Cognitive intelligence is the ability of knowledge we have to understand something and to be able to solve any problem in our daily life. Cognitive intelligence consists of this ability of memory, creativity, knowledge, processing of language, attention, perception and action, learning  and development.

In my opinion, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is more important than Cognitive intelligence IQ because emotional intelligence is competencies demonstrating the ability to recognise behaviour, moods, impulses and to manage the situation and "it involve in empathy, attention to and discrimination of someone emotions" (Poskey, M., 2012). Emotion intelligence have something to do with our behaviour and it can allowed us to act on that kind behaviour to ourselves or other people.

When cognitive intelligence is used in "human mental introspective experience for the modeling of intelligence system thinking" (Gadomski, 1996-2007).
Emotional Intelligence is used to promote thinking and cognitive activity and it help to pay attention and react to respond emotionally to things that gain our attention and it has much to do with knowing when and how to express feeling and to controlling it.

Payne Wayne (1985) introduces the term emotional intelligence in his doctoral dissertation entitled "A study of emotion is developing of emotional intelligence in self-integration, relating to fear, pain and desire. Payne theory describes emotional intelligence as a structure of reality, problem-solving, contraction,expansion, tuning in, coming out and letting go.

As a social care student emotional intelligence is very important in social care setting because it help social care worker to engage their client feeling through emotions express or experience and they get along with people they are working. Good personality may be fun, social, energetic, and outgoing in the area of social care setting.


Poskey, M.(2004-2012), The importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, Dallas [online] Available at: [Accessed 28/11/2012].

A.M. Gadomski,  (2002), Cognitive Intelligence, [online] Available at:  [Accessed 5/12/2012].

Cherry, K. (2012), what is emotional intelligence: Psychology Guide, [online] Available at: [Accessed 5/12/2012].

This image taken from[online] available at: [Accessed 7/12/2012].


Wednesday 21 November 2012

5. Plagiarism and Referencing


"Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own"(USM, 1995-2012).When paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your work  using an internal citation.


"A Works Cited page, also known as a bibliography or reference list, comes at the end of your paper listing all the works, books, articles, Internet sites, etc."(USM, 1995-2012). When copy someone work citation must be listed by the authors last names, publication name, the publisher/ date of publication and page number.

When a new college students arrived to the college and they need help on how to used referencing  their assignment, in case of plagiarism then I would enlighten them on what is plagiarism, how they have to avoid it, where it can be avoided, when they have to avoid using it, and the reason why they have to avoided plagiarism in their work. First thing to tell them is what  plagiarism is a stealing of other people work and writes it down as your own.

The best thing to tell the new college student is to avoid plagiarism copy and pasta someone work and the best way to avoid plagiarism is to understand what it about, then take the step to avoid committing either accidental or intentional plagiarism. Before defined plagiarism three things to remember when using someone work is the quotation, paraphrase and summary all this three needs to be consider when using someone word or copy something from the textbook, internet and articular and all the work you copy and pasta  should be cited in the middle or anywhere else in the work and at the end of work all the cited that you quota should be include in referencing list and this will show you are not plagiarism work.


The University of Southern Mississippi (1995-2012) Plagiarism and Referencing [online] Hattiesburg. Available at: (Accessed 21/11/2012)

This image taken from 21/11/2012).

Tuesday 20 November 2012

4. A Brief literature Review of a Course

I chose to review on Sociology literature based on two separate books on a topic called Social Stratification.  The first book by Macionis, J and Plummer, K., 2007, called 'Sociology: A Global Introduction' defined a "Social stratification as a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy and that one group has access to a disproportionate amount of money, power and prestige and stratification can be used as a lens to focus on social inequality". The sociologists use the terms social division and social stratification to refer to patterns of inequality in society.
The examples of Social Stratification in society are:

  • Caste system of social stratification based on Ascription (birth)
  • Slavery System from of social stratification based on the ownership of others
  • The class system of social stratification based on individual achievement

The second books by Haralmbos, M., Holborn, M. and Heald, R., 2008, called 'Sociology themes and perspectives' defined a social stratification to the presence of distinct social groups which are ranked one above the other in terms of factors such as prestige and wealth. The five social pyramids describe how societies work.
This pyramid structure focused on how people were ranked by their economic positions, their power and their prestige. The way society work with social class is based on wealth and power, not on inherited position. The open system based on individual achievement, where people have control over position and between upper and lower class in society there can lead to inequalities and discrimination against each other.
This moved to focus on stratification systems focused on other social divisions such as:

  • Gender stratification
  • Ethnic stratification
  • Age stratification
  • Health and disability

The principles of social stratification based on a characteristic of all societies, the persist over generations and it is universal but is variable, i.e.  Differs between cultures and it based on different social values and stratification involves inequality and belief and it based on occupation, race, and gender.


Haralmbos, M., Holborn, M. and Heald, R. (2008). Sociology themes and perspectives (7th Eds). UK: Harper Collins.
Macionis, J and Plummer, K., (2007). Sociology: A Global Introduction (4th edition). Essex: Pearson Education Ltd.

This photo was taking on this website:  (Accessed 20/11/2012).

Wednesday 7 November 2012

2. Best Presentation

James Harry suggest that presentation is the art practice and study of human communication". The five areas in which presentation can develop is to follows this:
  • Find it
  • Organise it
  • Tailor it
  • Remember it
  • Deliver it  
Presentation can be effective, if the person that is giving the presentation have passion, confident, good body language, clear understanding on what she is saying to audience and the audience enthusiastic to the presentation by showing it, that can make a presentation more effective.

The best presentation I have seen is watching First lady Michelle Obamas speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. This speech is about how family, education and love in society are very important. The reason why this presentation was effective and amazing, it because Michelle Obamas delivery the presentation to the people in Organising and structure way. She show passion and confident to what she saying to the people during her speech.

During the 2012 Democratic National Convention the audiences show their enthusiastic to her speech by stand up and clap their hand with smile on their face.

I know a good presentation must have good body language communication to the people and clear understanding of what he/she is saying for example Michelle Obamas show her communication skills at Democratic National Convention, in the way she communicate  to the people in verbal and non verbal way by using hand her to demonstrate what she was saying.

She compose her on the stage by having confident on what she wearing, what she saying to the audience and her standing on the stage show she was confident in herself and to the audience because the audience focus their attention to her by listening

In this presentation Michelle Obamas implies a good style on the stage by dressing in cooperate, good hair done and make-up was perfect this show she have a good styling and she relaxed herself during the time she giving the presentation to the audience.

Looking at her standing on the stage giving her speech, she touch my heart and not just only me and for the people that are listening and watching to her. I enjoy this presentation because I find Michelle Obamas the presentable and a good communicate women not because she is first lady but because she has this knowledge of giving presentation to the people. 


James, H. (2012) 'What is presentation: [online] Available at: [15/11/2012]