Wednesday 21 November 2012

5. Plagiarism and Referencing


"Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own"(USM, 1995-2012).When paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your work  using an internal citation.


"A Works Cited page, also known as a bibliography or reference list, comes at the end of your paper listing all the works, books, articles, Internet sites, etc."(USM, 1995-2012). When copy someone work citation must be listed by the authors last names, publication name, the publisher/ date of publication and page number.

When a new college students arrived to the college and they need help on how to used referencing  their assignment, in case of plagiarism then I would enlighten them on what is plagiarism, how they have to avoid it, where it can be avoided, when they have to avoid using it, and the reason why they have to avoided plagiarism in their work. First thing to tell them is what  plagiarism is a stealing of other people work and writes it down as your own.

The best thing to tell the new college student is to avoid plagiarism copy and pasta someone work and the best way to avoid plagiarism is to understand what it about, then take the step to avoid committing either accidental or intentional plagiarism. Before defined plagiarism three things to remember when using someone work is the quotation, paraphrase and summary all this three needs to be consider when using someone word or copy something from the textbook, internet and articular and all the work you copy and pasta  should be cited in the middle or anywhere else in the work and at the end of work all the cited that you quota should be include in referencing list and this will show you are not plagiarism work.


The University of Southern Mississippi (1995-2012) Plagiarism and Referencing [online] Hattiesburg. Available at: (Accessed 21/11/2012)

This image taken from 21/11/2012).

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