Wednesday 28 November 2012

1. Cognitive Intelligence IQ or Emotional Intelligence EI

Adam Maria Gadomski suggested that Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new conditions and to successfully cope with life situation. The two intelligences that are important in human life are emotional (EI) and cognitive intelligence (IQ).

"Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions (Gadomski, 2002)". Emotional intelligence is the feeling we have to express ourselves and toward other. Cherry Kendra said that some researcher suggest the emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. As a human-being we have right to express our feeling of emotion such as love, sad, anger, hate, joy, and happy.

Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) is the "ability to learn new things, recall information, think rationally, apply knowledge and solve problem" (Kaplan & Sadock, 1991). Cognitive intelligence is the ability of knowledge we have to understand something and to be able to solve any problem in our daily life. Cognitive intelligence consists of this ability of memory, creativity, knowledge, processing of language, attention, perception and action, learning  and development.

In my opinion, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is more important than Cognitive intelligence IQ because emotional intelligence is competencies demonstrating the ability to recognise behaviour, moods, impulses and to manage the situation and "it involve in empathy, attention to and discrimination of someone emotions" (Poskey, M., 2012). Emotion intelligence have something to do with our behaviour and it can allowed us to act on that kind behaviour to ourselves or other people.

When cognitive intelligence is used in "human mental introspective experience for the modeling of intelligence system thinking" (Gadomski, 1996-2007).
Emotional Intelligence is used to promote thinking and cognitive activity and it help to pay attention and react to respond emotionally to things that gain our attention and it has much to do with knowing when and how to express feeling and to controlling it.

Payne Wayne (1985) introduces the term emotional intelligence in his doctoral dissertation entitled "A study of emotion is developing of emotional intelligence in self-integration, relating to fear, pain and desire. Payne theory describes emotional intelligence as a structure of reality, problem-solving, contraction,expansion, tuning in, coming out and letting go.

As a social care student emotional intelligence is very important in social care setting because it help social care worker to engage their client feeling through emotions express or experience and they get along with people they are working. Good personality may be fun, social, energetic, and outgoing in the area of social care setting.


Poskey, M.(2004-2012), The importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, Dallas [online] Available at: [Accessed 28/11/2012].

A.M. Gadomski,  (2002), Cognitive Intelligence, [online] Available at:  [Accessed 5/12/2012].

Cherry, K. (2012), what is emotional intelligence: Psychology Guide, [online] Available at: [Accessed 5/12/2012].

This image taken from[online] available at: [Accessed 7/12/2012].


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